Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wedding Bells are Ringing

Ulrich picked us up at 6:30am to meet Svetlana at his parents house. It started off leisurely and quickly turned to chaos when Svetlana showed up. Carisa's hair was wet and in a towel and Svetlana said, "We don't need to blow dry your hair first. We can just put the rollers in." For a minute their was silence and then we explained we did a test run yesterday blowdrying it first and it turned out good. She went on to explain that she had velcro rollers and was going to roll it first then blow dry her hair. She was starting to make a little more sense, so we agreed this was okay. This was in fact alarm number 1! After rolling Carisa's hair Svetlana told Carisa to start blowdrying her hair while she started working on mine. Alarm number 2. Keep in mind we are paying Svetlana, she arrived an hour late, and she has the bride blowdrying her own hair. She proceeded to straighten my hair as I probed into her hairstyling area of expertise, which it turns out is straightening, alarm 3! After finishing my hair, which turned out good, she did proceed to finish blowdrying Carisa's hair. Once she began to style Carisa's hair it became apparent plan b was in fact a go! I slyly plugged in the hot rollers, gathered all the hair styling tools, and rushed to get ready so I could start on Carisa's hair. When I heard Carisa saying thank you, thank you and rushing to pay Svetlana I knew we had limited time to remedy the problem. Carisa could not look bad if she tried, but if she tried she might look like she did at that moment. She had small, spiral curls and half of her hair was gathered in a poof (something she requested) but it was just wrong. To give an example imagine this with tighter curls and minus that beautiful butterfly flower combo. We quickly took her hair down, combed it, and put big hot curlers in. It was all sort of a blur and the next thing we knew we had to leave regardless of the hair. I felt so bad because Carisa was not feeling all that beautiful her hair looked pretty, just not like she had envisioned. After the walk down the aisle it seemed like a weight had been lifted (at least for me) and the rest was a dreamy breeze. The ceremony was really nice and brought me to tears a couple of times. A song was performed by some children in Ulrich's family which was beautiful. Once at the reception venue it was all picture taking and a delicious meal. After the wedding we stopped by Ulrich's parents and the newlyweds dropped us off at our flat on their way to a boutique hotel Ulrich had booked. Shelley was really tired, so Leeman and I went across the street to a tapas place called Fork (just delightful). Then we retired to the flat and went to bed!

To see more wedding pics click here


  1. I love your editing style and I am really enjoying your story.

  2. I love the wedding picture you made with the romantic quote. I think we might print those out and make them our thank you cards! Oh that Svetlana--I should have just gotten my hair straightened damnit.
